SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY PURCHASING CO-OP C/O WEAVER UNION SCHOOL DISTRICT 1240 D. Street Merced, CA 95341 NOTICE CALLING FOR Request for Proposal NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the School Districts and Agencies, named below, hereinafter referred to as "SJVPC", will receive sealed proposals for the award of food and supply items no later than 1:00pm on April 25, 2025. Solicitations are available for 3 categories of items and are herein listed as: Paper/Chemical - PC-03122025 Milk-Dairy - MD-03122025 Fresh Bread - FB-031212025 Bids will be publicly opened at 2:00 pm, April 29, 2025 at Weaver Union School District, 3076 E. Childs Ave, Merced, CA 95341. Any proposals received after the scheduled closing time of 1:00 pm, April 25, 2025, will not be accepted and will be returned unopened. Bids must be signed in ink in the name of the proposer authorized to sign contracts and to bind the firm to all contractual obligations. Companies interested in submitting a proposal(s) may obtain bid category packet(s) by contacting Danielle Johnson, Director of Nutrition Services, Weaver Union School District, at djohnson@weaverusd.org or by calling 209-725-7130. SCHOOL DISTRICTS AND AGENCIES ON WHOSE BEHALF THIS Request for Proposal IS SOLICITED ARE: Alview Dairyland SD Ballico-Cressey SD Bass Lake Joint Union SD Burrel Union Elementary SD Central Union SD Chawanakee Unified Chowchilla Elementary SD Chowchilla Union High SD Coalinga-Huron Unified SD Dos Palos-Oro Loma SD El Nido Elementary SD Firebaugh-Las Deltas Unified SD Golden Plains Unified SD Golden Valley Unified SD Hanford Elementary SD Hanford Joint Union High SD Island Union SD Kings County Action Organization Lakeside Union Elementary SD Le Grand Union Elementary SD Le Grand Union High SD Lemoore Elementary SD Lemoore Union High SD Los Banos Unified SD Mariposa Unified SD McSwain Union Elementary SD Mendota Unified SD Pacific Union SD Raisin City SD Riverdale SD Sanger Unified SD Tulare County Early Childhood Ed Program Washington Colony SD Weaver Union SD West Park Elementary SD Westside Elementary SD Yosemite Unified SD Bid packets shall be mailed/delivered in sealed envelopes marked legibly with "SJVPC RFP" and identified with the category and RFP# listed above, to Weaver Union School District at 1240 D. Street, Merced, CA 95341. Mar 12, 2025 WEX#25-042